The Blog

Month: June 2024

Your Social Media: A Career Maker or Breaker?

Tuesday, June 18th, 2024

Employers are increasingly scrutinizing the online lives of their staff and prospective hires, making your social media presence more important than ever. This trend involves sophisticated screening companies that meticulously analyse social media posts to flag potential issues that could embarrass the company. Beyond this, many employers also use social media to get an idea [Read more…]

Thriving While You Study: Self-Care Tips for Returning Students

Monday, June 17th, 2024

Heading back to education can be the best decision you’ll ever make, opening up new career opportunities you never thought possible. But there’s no doubt that getting a new qualification while earning to pay the bills is a major challenge. To steer clear of burnout, you’ll want to make sure you don’t neglect self-care. So, [Read more…]

Your Path to a Better Salary: Expert Negotiation Tips

Monday, June 17th, 2024

We all know that if you don’t ask, you don’t get. But when it comes to negotiating our salaries, too many of us lose our voices. Research shows that only about half of us try to persuade an employer to give us better pay when we’re finalising a new job offer. But failing to get [Read more…]

Taking Control of Your Career Goals

Monday, June 17th, 2024

Many businesses went into survival mode for a few of years after the extraordinary upheaval of the Covid19 pandemic. And that had an impact on careers, with fighting fires and the slow move towards encouraging more WFH staff back into the office still taking priority over long-term planning and development in some areas. If you [Read more…]

Six ways to be a great boss for your remote team

Monday, June 17th, 2024

Remote working is now a permanent fixture in our professional landscape, whether it’s full-time WFH or a hybrid model blending office and home days. It means that the role of a good manager now often includes effectively leading team members who may not always be physically present. In this environment, many managers face challenges like [Read more…]