The Blog

Workplace problems: How to deal with a difficult boss

You may have heard the saying…  People don’t quit their jobs, they quit their bosses. Generally, workers really don’t want to work for a boss who doesn’t support them, or for one whose behaviour is poor and ineffectual. Unfortunately, we don’t live in a world where every manager is good one. However, we do live in [Read more…]

The trends shaping the next ten years of your career

After a couple of years in which the pandemic has turned working life upside-down, we’ve all learned from experience how world events can change careers – for better or worse.   So it’s only natural to wonder how trends taking shape on the horizon might affect the jobs we do in the next decade.   [Read more…]

How to use LinkedIn to land your dream job

There’s no doubt that LinkedIn is a really powerful way to make connections and move on in your career. The company claims to have around 30 million UK members – meaning most of the workforce is on there – and in surveys about 7 out of 10 employers say they use it.   But the [Read more…]

The changing face of… customs and imports

With the full post-Brexit customs controls coming into force at the start of the year, it meant everything changed for the men and women dealing with goods travelling across the UK border. Now that upheaval has put these roles right at the top of LinkedIn’s Jobs on the Rise for 2022.   Getting the new [Read more…]