The Blog

Dos and Don’ts of asking for a promotion

If you’re nervous about asking for a promotion but feel like you deserve one, here’s how to go about raising the subject with your employer, from making your case to reacting to the answer.   Asking for a promotion is putting yourself in a vulnerable position, but in order to advance in your career you [Read more…]

Lauren Bamford: “Derby College has provided me with the foundations I needed to succeed,” says Psychological Research Assistant for Centre for Self-Harm and Suicide Prevention

Lauren discovered a passion for Psychology when she studied it as an A level subject at Derby College. Now a Psychological Research Assistant for the Derbyshire NHS Foundation Trust at the Centre for Self-Harm and Suicide Prevention, Lauren spoke to our Alumni team about her experiences at college, getting into university and where her career [Read more…]

Which of these popular productivity hacks will work for you?

Different productivity techniques work for different people. Here are some of the most effective ways to tick things off your to-do list and find some time in your busy schedule – which one works best for you?   Use an app   Using technology in the right way can help you to organise your busy [Read more…]