Are you lacking in self-confidence at work, college or just life in general? If so, there’s a good chance that it could be getting in the way of your success despite you being capable of achieving what you want to do. Everyone lacks confidence sometimes. The key to conquering a lack of confidence is recognising [Read more…]
The world of tech can be a confusing place full of complicated terms and theories. Are you new to the world of tech? Or do you just want to be informed about what’s going on? After all, advances in technology affect all of us. This is the second article in a series where we [Read more…]
Making a good impression with your boss and your co-workers is vital on the first day of a new job. Research has shown that it can take less than a second for a person to form an opinion of you based on your physical appearance, body language, attitude, clothes and mannerisms. Human beings [Read more…]
Taking a professional course can bring huge benefits to your career: 1. Learning throughout your career can put you in an excellent position to fill skills gap in the marketplace. A 2013 study indicated that 85% of hiring managers said applicants don’t have the skills they’re looking for, so adding to your qualifications can put [Read more…]
This article is the fourth in a series about managing finances for beginners. You’ve already learnt how to easily set up and stick to a budget, how to get rid of debt and how to borrow money sensibly. Read on to learn about credit scores and how to make sure you have a good one. [Read more…]