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Command the Room: 10 Tips for Better Public Speaking

Public speaking is an invaluable skill across many professions, so developing your ability to deliver engaging presentations can significantly impact your career. Here are our top tips and strategies for mastering public speaking.


  1. Thorough Preparation is Key

The cornerstone of a great presentation is preparation. Practice your speech until it feels natural. Rehearse with friends or family, anticipate potential questions, and refine your content until you are confident. This level of preparation ensures you are ready to handle any aspect of the presentation with ease.

  1. Captivate from the Start Command the room – 10 Tips for Better Public Speaking

Kick off your presentation with something that grabs attention – be it a startling statistic, an engaging story, a provocative question, or a meaningful quote. A strong opening ensures your audience is immediately invested, and a memorable closing keeps you in their minds long after you’ve finished speaking.

  1. Make it about your audience, not you

Always tailor your content to the interests and needs of your audience. Consider their reasons for attending and focus on delivering value. Put yourself in their shoes and think about what you would want to hear. If you are promoting a product or service, start with some genuinely useful advice they can act upon – don’t jump straight into your pitch. This approach builds trust and helps keep the audience engaged.

  1. Master Your Body Language

Effective body language supports your words and helps communicate your message. Stand confidently, maintain eye contact, and use expressive facial gestures. Avoid hiding behind a desk or the podium; instead, use the space by walking around if possible. Remember to use hand gestures to emphasise points, but ensure they are natural and not forced.

  1. Slow down

Speak more slowly than usual to ensure clarity and impact. Your audience isn’t familiar with the material like you are, so a deliberate pace helps them absorb and reflect on your message.

  1. Swap ‘errs’ for silence

If you feel yourself using filler words like “errr” or “um” when you lose your train of thought, swap these for pauses. This not only helps you collect your thoughts but also adds emphasis and drama to your speech, projecting confidence.

  1. End with a call to action

Now you’ve given your audience all that information, what do they do with it? Ideally, you would conclude your speech with a specific call to action. A clear message and direction can lead to active participation and better outcomes, whether it’s encouraging the audience to share your ideas, visit a website, or engage with a product.

  1. Use Visual Aids (Wisely!)

Incorporate visuals to reinforce your message. Whether it’s slides, videos, or physical objects, make sure they are high quality and directly relate to your content. Importantly, avoid overloading your visuals with text – your audience will focus on reading this rather than listening to you. Instead, use images and single words or short phrases to complement your words.

  1. Be Ready for a Q&A Session

Prepare to engage with your audience during question-and-answer sessions. Try to anticipate possible questions and practice your responses. Handling these interactions confidently can really increase your credibility and the overall impact of your presentation.

  1. Practice and Feedback

Luckily, public speaking is a skill that can be learnt, and every speech or presentation is an opportunity to improve your technique. Learn from your mistakes, seek constructive feedback from your audience and peers and use it to refine your skills.

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