The Blog

How to job-hunt over the holiday period

If you’ve just thought “I’ll look for a job in the new year,” then it’s time to rethink your strategy. The new year may symbolise fresh starts, but it can put you at a great advantage to start your job hunting before the holiday period.   Here’s what you need to know about finding employment [Read more…]

Dos and don’ts of coping with exam stress

Revising for your exams can be a stressful time. For a few weeks every winter and summer students across the UK find themselves in the midst of exam season and many are feeling the pressure.   High stress levels can negatively affect your performance, so it’s important to make your state-of-mind a priority.   If [Read more…]

Wilson James Security Academy Broadens Students’ Horizons

Derby College has teamed up with a national leader in security solutions to highlight to students the wide range of career opportunities available in the industry. Wilson James work with a wide range of clients across the UK and Europe including cultural heritage venues, leading businesses, and regional airports. Students on the Public and Security [Read more…]