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Volunteers Appeal For Derby College’s Broomfield Hall

Broomfield Head GardenerDerby College is appealing for volunteers to help restore the historic gardens at the Broomfield Hall campus.

The restoration programme has been launched by Head Gardener Samantha Harvey who is working with Horticulture students at the College to develop the gardens into a visitor attraction.

The gardens were created when the original hall was built in 1873 by industrialist Charles Schwind.

They still retain the Victorian layout and the plan is to improve these further with several developments including contemporary herbaceous planning, designing; planting a sub-tropical area and installing colourful rainbow planting.

Miss Harvey, who is a former student at Derby College and then trained at the Royal Botanic Kew Gardens in London, said: “We have got big plans for the gardens at Broomfield Hall and our aim is to make these a notable visitor attraction.

“The students are obviously involved and are gaining valuable work experience to improve their employability skills.  However, we would also be grateful for the input of local people who can volunteer some of their time to be part of this exciting project.

“Our main volunteer days are Mondays to Wednesdays and volunteers are obviously welcome to work as many hours as they wish with us.

“We have already had interest from people including keen gardeners, some who have retired and others who are keen to progress into the industry.

“As the work progresses, we aim to open the grounds more frequently and welcome people to tour the picturesque grounds and learn more about the different trees.”

Future courses at Broomfield Hall will include a new RHS practical skills course for keen gardeners.  For more information visit  or telephone 0800 028 0289.  For more information on volunteering opportunities, please email

One thought on “Volunteers Appeal For Derby College’s Broomfield Hall”

  1. Richard Marriott says:

    Hello, I am a former horticultural student of Broomfield College and have spoken with Mike Baldwin regarding volunteering opportunities for an apprentice we have here at Kedleston Hall. As part of her course she needs to be exposed to as many different garden scenarios as possible and i thought the grounds of Broomfield would be perfect. I would be very grateful if you could get back to myself in order Julia may get stuck into some gardening with yourselves, Many thanks, Richard Marriott, Senior Gardener, Kedleston Hall

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