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Tips for mature students on returning to education

Tuesday, September 12th, 2017

Don’t be put off by titles – the following tips may just change your perceptions of what being a mature student really means.   Do you feel like you’re stuck in a career rut and want to get some new professional qualifications to improve your prospects? Or perhaps you want to take your education to [Read more…]

How to market your e-book

Tuesday, September 12th, 2017

We’ve already shown you how to make a profit from self-publishing your e-book on platforms like Kindle, and explained the process of devising and writing a non-fiction e-book in just a few weeks.   However, if you want to make a viable income from self-publishing, or if you want to be one of the many [Read more…]

Careers in the creative industry

Tuesday, September 12th, 2017

The opportunities available in the creative industry are vast and varied.   Last year the government said that the “creative economy is growing three times faster than any other sector.” Creative sectors such as design, advertising, film, gaming and fashion are reportedly growing faster than the rest of the UK economy, employing passionate creative talent [Read more…]

How to use social media to boost your career: the basics

Wednesday, August 16th, 2017

Are you completely lost when it comes to using social media to advance your career?   Whether you’re a jobseeker or climbing the career ladder, using professional networking sites like LinkedIn, and cultivating your online brand on this and other social platforms to attract opportunities is vital in today’s business environment.   According to business [Read more…]

What is your peak productive time? And how to use it

Wednesday, August 16th, 2017

  You probably know already that you’re more productive at some times of the day. But do you know how to work out exactly when you peak, and how to utilise this to improve your performance, creativity and problem solving abilities?   How to identify your peak productive time   Firstly, you need to identify [Read more…]

What you need to know about starting out as a freelancer

Wednesday, August 16th, 2017

  Could you use your skills to enter the world of self-employment? Being a freelancer allows you to be flexible regarding when you work, what projects you take on, and where you choose to work.   Here’s what you need to know about starting out as a freelancer, from getting started and finding clients to [Read more…]

5 things you need to know about doing a university-level course at college

Wednesday, August 16th, 2017

Is the next step in your education a university-level qualification? If you’ve completed you’re A Levels, BTEC, Award, Certificate, NVQ or any other entry route to higher education, or you’re returning to education and want help getting the grades so you can apply for a degree, read on.     You don’t need to go [Read more…]

How to handle Skype interviews

Wednesday, August 16th, 2017

Skype and video interviews are increasingly being used by recruiters to narrow down the number of job applicants at an early stage. The rise in remote working has also meant that Skype interviews are necessary to hire talent across the globe.   If you want to impress 42% of today’s employers, being able to come [Read more…]

Derby College Hosts National Bricklaying Competition Final

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2017

Derby College has hosted the national final of the Guild of Bricklayers’ annual skills competition at its Derby Construction Academy. Eighteen students and apprentices from throughout the UK attended the competition organised by the Guild of Bricklayers. Derby College apprentice Will Austin (21) came third in the junior competition. Will, who is based at the [Read more…]

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